31 marca, 2023

[Zrodlowy] BIM Advise straight from Riwal experts

BIM is the current (digitisation) trend in construction. With BIM, it is possible to first build digitally before actual construction starts. In addition to the question ‘What are we going to build?’, the question ‘HOW are we going to build and maintain it?’ is particularly important.

In the UK architects have been the primary adopters
of building information modelling (BIM)

BIM can be utilised for many other purposes and can even help you reduce costs whilst building and future proof maintenance. Keep reading for expert BIM advice from Riwal Business Innovation Analyst and BIM specialist, Kees van Benschop. Kees began working at Riwal in 2013 as an account manager and grew into the role of business innovation analyst.

Therefore, he realised that it’s particularly important for construction companies to take this into account prior to construction. This way, they won’t be confronted with both failure costs and can prevent any surprise expenses.


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